D2.9 - White paper on BIMprove open layer services software and data structure
The BIMprove project is dedicated to open-access research and an Open Research…
BIMprove 5th Newsletter is out!
Our fifth newsletter is out! Looking back at the past 365 days 2022 has been a…
BIM@SiteOffice: Comparing IFC and point clouds in Multiuser VR – Workflows and Tools
New publication released! BIM@SiteOffice: Comparing IFC and point clouds in…
BIMprove Onsite Technology Demonstration in Lausanne
On November 2022, BIMprove project partners travelled to Lausanne (Switzerland)…
New family meeting with our sister projects on Digital Building Twins
On the 18th of November 2022, ASHVIN, BIMProve, BIM2TWIN and COGITO hosted…
Storing, Maintaining & Updating the Digital Twin
New publication released! Storing, Maintaining & Updating the Digital Twin…
Project partners gather in Madrid to visit the Spanish Pilot Use Case
On October 2022, BIMprove project partners travelled to Madrid to visit the…
BIMprove's 4th Newsletter is out!
Our fourth newsletter is out! You can read all about our recent achievements,…
Evaluation of BIMprove XR User Interfaces
New publication released! Evaluation of BIMprove XR User Interfaces Authors:…