Get to know the outstanding BIMprove results

In this article, we provide an overview of what has been developed in the frame…

Meet the XR Viewer of BIMprove

  The XR Viewer is one of the user interfaces (UIs) of the BIMprove…

Project partners gather in Madrid to visit the Spanish Pilot Use Case

On October 2022, BIMprove project partners travelled to Madrid to visit the…

How BIMprove merges IFC and data from reality to make its solution work

BIMprove has the ambition to revolutionize the stagnant European construction…

The BIMprove Implementation Cycle of processes

The BIMprove Implementation Cycle of processes In previous articles we have…

The BIMprove Concept

BIMprove project will invest in the development of a system that promotes…

BIMprove Risk and Image Data Management Service

The purpose of the BIMprove Risk and Image Data Management Service is to store…

Trends in technologies related to BIMprove

BIMprove utilizes many technologies that are relatively new when it comes to…

Accidents in the Construction Industry

One of the goals of the BIMprove project is to use emerging technologies to…

BIMprove Risk Object Visual Analysis System

Risk Object Visual Analysis System, ROVAS, bases on the convolutional neural…