BIMprove will be present in BDTIC, the first international event dedicated to Building Digital Twins, organized by the Building Digital Twin Association.

This first edition of Building Digital Twin International Congress-BDTIC will take place on May 27th, 2021 as a benchmark in terms of the application of digital twin technologies for construction, industrialization, sustainability, and asset management.

As a very executive programme, 17 speakers will generate a new knowledge about BDT. The collaboration of world experts, who will offer never-before-seen presentations on the situation of Building Digital Twin from NASA till the more advanced on-going European projects will participate in the two sessions and the two keynote lectures. 10-min presentations in one afternoon will provide a wide, interesting and dynamic high level seminar.

On behalf of BIMprove, our project coordinator SINTEF Manufacturing will be providing a presentation on “Changing the rules of the construction: dynamic BIM models with DigitalTwin Technology”.

If you are interested on this event, you may register through here!